Dedicated to humanity living in peace and innocence, read addendum
Come forth Angelized
Under the Banner of Love we ride
In the Heavenly sky we are one
Light Beings of Gaia
We blow the trumpets above the Earth
In an Age long dreamed of
Viewing myriads of awakenings
And our eyes sparkling with inner strength
We send arrows with Fire of Love
In an Age long dreamed of
Welcomed by hearts of stone
Opening them, aligning to Source
Riding towards the green fields
A ride from north to south
By our Sacred Love we are one
In the blissful Sunlight
Above and below we are gathered
Light Beings of Gaia
Benevolent in spirit, benefactors in action
United loving hearts risen
Peace, peace on Gaia
Peace, peace on Gaia
We all adhere to Light and Love
Sing our songs with living breath
Come forth Angelized
Under the Banner of Love we ride
In the Heavenly sky we are one
Light Beings of Gaia
We blow the trumpets above the Earth
In an Age long dreamed of
Viewing myriads of awakenings
And our eyes sparkling with inner strength
We sing!
We all adhere to Light and Love
Sing our songs with living breath
For we are Light Beings of Gaia!
Peace, peace on Gaia
Peace, peace on Gaia
Addendum to Peace on Gaia poem:
Light is truth and I write this with the Light in my eyes and heart.
Yesterday someone made me aware of the need to post an addendum to this poem. I hadn’t realised other people could come up with other interpretations.
I wrote the text of the poem with the visualisation of Peace on Earth in mind. We the humans are the Light Beings of Gaia. I have a vision of humanity being made of love and acting in a kind way to each other, nature and Earth. Love, not meant in a sexual way here, but in a compassionate and caring way. Love as is for example shown to us by Jesus Christ and/or the Christ Consciousness. This excludes all forms of hatred, condemnation, accusation and abuse. Humanity is one, any pain or harm inflicted on the other is pain and harm inflicted on all and on oneself. This text is about the process, act, of ascension of humanity. Peace on Earth is possible when we are loving in heart and act in a loving way.
After writing the poem I chose the painting by Charlotte Bird (with permission) as the child symbolises innocence. The child (humanity) can walk safely on Earth and lives in a harmonising way with nature and Earth. I think the painting is very peaceful.
This is my view. Any other view that is not of the Light is not of mine.
Thank you and may the Light bless you.
Jasper Kesteloo
Poetry of Light
Painting by Charlotte Bird